#LRSOMG2020 August
This round of #LRSOMG is over. Please follow Little Red Stool Organizing on Facebook for information on upcoming rounds!
2020 has had more challenges than the normal year, amiright? Let's gather ourselves and get through another fun round of #LRSOMG2020. We could all use the encouragement and less stuff as well!
I just didn't realize how much stuff I had that I didn't need anymore.
– DW, #LRSOMG19 participant
Starting August 1 we are back for our third year and fifth round of The Minimalism Game hosted by Little Red Stool Organizing (#LRSOMG2020). I’m inviting you to join the LRSO community to play along with thousands of others who have played this game before you. The Minimalism Game is a great way to have fun while bringing more peace and freedom to your home. And it's completely FREE!
Whoo-hoo!!! I think I did every day….. My house feels a little lighter but there is still so much more to go! Are you doing another challenge soon?!!!
– JD, #LRSOMG18 participant
Before we get to how the game works and how you can participate. I want to address one thing. The word “minimalism.” Throw what you think of the word “minimalism” out for a minute. Now think about how nice your house would feel if you had a few less things. Not just less for the sake of less but less things that you don't like and don't serve your household. I can just picture you with your eyes closed, a deep sigh of relief and peace, and a rested posture. THAT is what I want you to think about the word “minimalism” from now on.
Day 23 from a participant
On to the basics of the game!
On the first day of the month you will get one thing OUT OF YOUR HOUSE. On the second day, two things. The third day? You guessed it, three things will leave your home. That’s how we are going to play. You know you. If you can only get items out of your house once a week because of work, etc. then make a box/bag that WILL leave your home at the end of the week. If you can’t trust yourself to get rid of that bag at the end of the week, get it out the same day. For those who have an extreme amount of self control and discipline, you may want to wait until the end of the month to get that box of goners out of the house.
Day 11 from a participant
Each day I will post 2 graphics. The first graphic of the day will be a tip or encouragement or some way to respond and be a part of the community online. The second graphic will be a short list of ideas of items you can consider pairing down in your home. These are only ideas, not requirements. This is the post you will comment on with your photos to get points in the game. So keep your eyes peeled for those helps!
Not only is this a FREE tool for you to use, and community for you to participate with, we will also have PRIZES!!!
Click here to go directly to the Facebook event.
Entries look like this:
1. (Required to be entered) RSVP "yes" to the August 1 event on FB.
2. (Required to be entered) subscribe to LRSO’s newsletter.
3. (Required to be entered) "Like” Little Red Stool Organizing’s FB page.
4. Comment “done” on the corresponding day’s post when you’ve completed the day. (1 point/entry)
5. Post a photo on the corresponding day's post when you've completed the day. (2 points/entry)
6. Post a photo on your personal page, tagging Little Red Stool Organizing's Facbeook page, post must be tagged and public for points to count. (3 point/entry)
7. Partner up with someone AND let us know who your partner is. Both partners must participate for at least 10 total days to receive points. (5 points)
Winners will be announced Tuesday, September 1, 2020.
The Minimalism Game concept is from The Minimalists. The content in this event is from LRSO. This contest is in no way sponsored by The Minimalists or any social media platforms. Anything posted as a part of #LRSOMG2020 may be used for future marketing for LRSO.