October Friday Favorites

"Can something else do the same job... maybe better?"

This is one question you can use when deciding whether or not to keep something in your home. I love to use the example of a strawberry huller. With the help of other questions like, "does my family hull a lot of strawberries?" and "does this product work well for our household?" the question "can something else do the same job?" will let you decide easier if you want to keep that strawberry huller. I use a spoon or a knife and free up the space that the strawberry huller would take up.

With that in mind, each month for the rest of 2020, I will be sharing some of my favorite items with you. These are products that I love and use and are worth the valuable real estate they take up in my home. The products will vary from organizational tools to things I just like that are functional. (At this time nothing is sponsored or an ad.)


Today's favorites are:

1. 12 quart dish pan - Ten years ago I was introduced to this little pan while I was nannying my first set of twins. (Yes, I said first set, and, yes, I said twins.) There are so many uses for this pan. I've used it to wash dishes (dish pan), to hold soil while potting plants, to hold papers or supplies or pretty much anything temporarily while it awaits it's new home, and to sort things just to name a few.

2. Silicone Stretch Lids - I usually store my leftover food in glass containers with their own lids. There are totally times I've either run out of those container or just wanted to use something that didn't have a lid. These lids stretch perfectly and are washable and reusable so you don't have to use so much (if any) plastic wrap. Okay, that big 9x13 will need plastic wrap but almost everything else can be topped with one of these. Bonus: they look like little turtles!

3. Neck and Shoulder Heating Pad - Be honest, how many of you use that regular heating pad, wad it up and try to ease the aches and pains in your neck and shoulders... exactly what the instructions tell you to not do? It was me. I did that. Then I came across this delightful warming hug! It works so well!

4. Canning Jars with Plastic Lids - Canning jars are for so much more than canning! If you find just the right lid you can turn it into a sippy cup! If you want to just use it for storage (grains, salad in a jar, paper clips, etc) let me suggest that you get the one piece plastic lids. They don't rust and there is only one piece. I have the white ones pictured but they even have fun colors if you like to spice things up. Tip: you can even write on the inside or outside of your lid to remind you what's inside, directions, or expiration dates!

I would love to hear what YOUR favorite things are! Leave them in the comments!

(Images from Amazon.com)


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