Permission: 5 Things You Can Let Go Of, Playroom

Have you ever thought, "I just need someone to give me permission to get rid of this"? That's what this Permission series is all about. We'll walk through room by room, list 5 items per room you can part with right away, and why the items can be easy to get out of your house.

I ran the first part of this series back in 2019. You can see those post by going to the Permission Intro here.

As always, it's your house and your stuff. You may actually need and use the things I suggest you part with. But if you don't, give yourself a little more freedom to find a little more peace in your house by letting go of things that you don't need.


Today we'll be in the playroom talking about children's items. This can either be the easiest or most difficult space for people to work in. It can be easy as many of these items are outgrown either physically or mentally. It can be the hardest if you tend to be sentimental. If you find yourself being super sentimental, just set those items aside as sentimental and look back through those items in another year or so. Taking items out of the playroom will allow your children to grow and learn without the hinderance of layers and layers of stuff they will never use.

  1. Kids' Meal Toys

    Well, friend, the time has come. It is time for you to let go of the item that stowed away into your home via a quick and easy meal for your hangry toddler. You don't need me to tell you that they are cheap and basically trash and serve no purpose after the initial excitement. So here is your permission to throw it away.

    ACTION - gather up those probably already broken kids' meal toys and throw them all away

  2. Puzzles

    This will look different in each home. If you no longer have small hands, you can let go of the board puzzles that have slots for shapes and animals. Speaking of animal puzzles, I love Melissa and Doug as much as the next person but when you close the door and the cow moos it's a little spooky, right? There are also puzzles that are too advanced. If you'd like to hold on to them, great. If not, let them go to someone who can enjoy them now.

    ACTION - Look through your puzzles, which ones are too young for your family right now? These can be let go of and shared with someone who can use them now. Which ones are too advanced? Set these aside for when they grow into them. Oh and if any of these are missing pieces, go ahead and let them go. No one likes to do puzzles they can't complete.

  3. Books

    Confession: I love books. Even more than I love books themselves do I love children to have access to books. So this is difficult for me to say but it needs to be said. It is okay to let go of books. There will be ones that you can't stand to read, your kids won't pick up, or the story being told isn't one you want to be told. Maybe there are some loved to pieces, literally.

    ACTION - find the books that you just don't like and pass them on to someone who might and toss the ones beyond repair.

  4. Baby Toys

    There are a few things that you can do with baby things when you no longer have a baby in the house. You can keep a sentimental bin with your absolute favorites. You can pack up and label the stuff you'd like to use again for another baby if you think you may have another. You can pass along anything that is still in good condition to a family that can use it now. Foster families, families with low incomes, friends who would enjoy your same style, the possibilities are endless.

    ACTION - think about where you think your family might be growing and let go of things accordingly.

  5. Dress up

    It's a fact. Children get bigger. Some of them take more time than others but 99% of the time they will grow past being able to fit into those fun dress up clothes. As they do, go ahead and let them pass along to others who can wear them while they are still in good condition and desired. Paw Patrol will be forgotten one day, right?

    ACTION - a fun way to go through these items is to have the kids do a fashion show, what doesn't fit can bless someone else!


Did you notice a theme? This room is filled with things that are literally being outgrown. And things that are still in good condition most of the time. They grow so quickly don't they? This is one space that I see the most "still good" items go to someone else directly. Why not join that endeavor today?


Permission: 5 Things You Can Let Go Of, Linen Closet


Permission: 5 Things You Can Let Go Of, Living Room