Can Something Else in My House Serve Me Better?

Sometimes going through your belongings is easy. That wrapper from the sucker your kid just popped in his mouth? Trash. That pair of jeans ripped in the wrong place? Trash. That outgrown toy? Donate. That book you won't read again? Donate.

Then there are things that are just a little more difficult to decide on. That teapot that your aunt gave you when you were ten years old? That perfume you love but haven't worn in six years? What about that outfit that was adorable on daughter when she was a toddler but now she is a teenager?

Each month I'm going to give you a question to help you think through whether or not you want to keep an item. There is no right or wrong answer. There is just your answer.

About six months ago I put a similar question before you. “Does this item serve my household?” In that post I suggested that just because it’s in your home doesn’t mean it serves your home and just because it serves your home doesn’t mean it has to serve your home. For example, just because you have an avocado slicer doesn’t mean it serves you and just because it serves you doesn’t mean it is worth the space it takes up.

Continuing on with the example of the avocado slicer let’s ask a few follow up questions to see if something else serves you better.

  1. Can something else in the house do the same thing that it does? If you’ve heard me speak, you know that I am a firm believer that a kitchen knife can replace almost any kitchen gadget in your home. Not that you have to, but if space is what you are low on, it is the ultimate multi-use space saver.

  2. Can something else do the job better? Here is where you decide if avocado slicer is worth the space it takes up in the drawer or cabinet. Is it hard to clean? Does storing it allow you to still easily access and use other things in the same space?

I’m not lobbying for you to get rid of your avocado slicer. I’m simply having you decide what is worth keeping. In fact, I just worked in a kitchen with a client who got rid of a number of other kitchen drawer items in order to keep her avocado slicer. When you know your priorities, these decisions are so much easier!


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