The new year is coming and if you are a numbers nerd like me you are stoked that it's 2020. So much fun with that number. One being 20/20. Not only am I a numbers nerd I also wear contacts/glasses. For me I've been striving for 20/20 vision since I was in middle school. And, y'all, the glasses back then took up your whole face. Top it off with a frizzy perm and butt-cut and you've got middle school me. And middle-age me wishes I had lasik.


We aren't talking lasik here today but I do want you to be thinking about the new year. How can you have 20/20 "vision" when thinking about your house in the new year?

I've recently talked with one of the participants of the Fall session of The Minimalism Game with Little Red Stool Organizing (#LRSOMG19) who went directly to the 30/30 program. As she was decluttering with #LRSOMG19 she finally saw what a mess her house was and how much clutter she had just sitting around.

What a beautiful moment! To be able to see what's been there all along and want to do something about it. Maybe your family and friends have seen it for years, maybe you've seen it but haven't been willing to deal with it. Maybe this year is your year to do something about it.

If that's you, let's figure out how to get you moving forward to the end with that 20/20 vision. One of your first steps can be to contact a professional organizer. I happen to be one of those! There are many others all across the world too so chances are if you aren't near me, there is another one near you.


If a friend or family member came to mind right away as you've been reading this, maybe you'd like to get them started with a gift card. If you would like to do this, please be kind in your approach. Having a lot of things in your home is a deeper issue than having a lot of things and many times it is incredibly sensitive. On the other hand, maybe your friend or family member is more than ready! I can think of no better gift than one that will help someone move forward in peace and freedom in their homes!


Write on Your Sheets


Lights in the Attic