Beautiful or Useful?

Sometimes going through your belongings is easy. That wrapper from the sucker your kid just popped in his mouth? Trash. That ripped pair of jeans? Trash. That outgrown toy? Donate. That book you won't read again? Donate.

Then there are things that are just a little more difficult to decide on. That teapot that your aunt gave you when you were ten years old? That perfume that you haven't worn in six months? What about that outfit that you loved on daughter when she was a toddler but now she is a teenager?

Each month I'm going to give you a question to help you think through whether or not you want to keep an item. There is no right or wrong answer. There is just your answer.


When going through the things in your home, one question you can ask yourself is "Do I find this item beautiful or useful?" to determine if it stays or goes.

Beautiful items are things you enjoy like a painting or favorite shirt or the latest creation from your preschooler. There may be other paintings, shirts, and artwork that you are okay to let go of because they aren't as beautiful as these.

Useful items are things that help you do things like a vegetable peeler or stapler or dishes. Then there are things that are no longer useful like the vegetable peeler that isn't sharp or hurts your hand.

Can one item be both beautiful and useful? Of course. I love my clipboard that I use to jot down notes. It is both beautiful and useful.

Be on the look out for more questions throughout 2021!


#LRSOMG2021 February


Top Ten of 2020