Is it Worth My Time and Energy?
Sometimes going through your belongings is easy. That wrapper from the sucker your kid just popped in his mouth? Trash. That ripped pair of jeans? Trash. That outgrown toy? Donate. That book you won't read again? Donate. Then there are things that are just a little more difficult to decide on. That teapot that your …

Would I Wear It This Week?
Sometimes going through your belongings is easy. That wrapper from the sucker your kid just popped in his mouth? Trash. That ripped pair of jeans? Trash. That outgrown toy? Donate. That book you won't read again? Donate. Then there are things that are just a little more difficult to decide on. That teapot that your …

Beautiful or Useful?
Sometimes going through your belongings is easy. That wrapper from the sucker your kid just popped in his mouth? Trash. That ripped pair of jeans? Trash. That outgrown toy? Donate. That book you won't read again? Donate. Then there are things that are just a little more difficult to decide on. That teapot that your …