Would I Wear It This Week?

Sometimes going through your belongings is easy. That wrapper from the sucker your kid just popped in his mouth? Trash. That pair of jeans ripped in the wrong place? Trash. That outgrown toy? Donate. That book you won't read again? Donate.

Then there are things that are just a little more difficult to decide on. That teapot that your aunt gave you when you were ten years old? That perfume you love but haven't worn in six months? What about that outfit that was adorable on daughter when she was a toddler but now she is a teenager?

Each month I'm going to give you a question to help you think through whether or not you want to keep an item. There is no right or wrong answer. There is just your answer.

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Imagine if you could close your eyes and pull out anything from your clothes and love the way you feel in it! You can do that!

When going through your clothes, one question you can ask yourself is "Would I wear it this week?" to determine if it stays or goes. Put another way, “Would I choose a number of other things to wear before this?”

Do an honest inventory of your clothing and decide what you love. Asking if you would wear it this week (given the appropriate weather) is a good place to start. You are giving yourself seven different chances to say you like that article of clothing. If it doesn’t stand a chance out of seven, maybe you don’t love it.

Yes, yes, I hear those of you who have enough clothing to wear something different each and every day of the year with more to spare. Maybe you would wear it next week. Just be honest with yourself, free up some space in your closet and dresser and mind. Keep the stuff you love and let the rest go.

Here’s to a lighter and more welcoming wardrobe!

Be on the look out for more questions throughout 2021!


Feed Yourself


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