5 Questions to Help You Decide What Stays and What Goes

We’ve all been there. The pile on the chair. The purse dump in the corner. The collection that keeps growing on the table. Or maybe it’s a room where things go to die. Or you just had a child come into the family or leave the nest. Whatever the reason, we all find ourselves wanting to let go of some things. If you’ve ever felt stuck trying to figure out what you want to hang on to and what you can let go of, I’ve compiled a list of questions to help you do just that. No two people are the same so I offer no suggestions, just questions. Your answers will help guide you!

Is this item beautiful or useful?

Is this item something that you love to look at? Do you smile when you see it? Is this item beautiful?

Do you find that you need this item to do household chores? Does this item help you get ready in the morning, clean up in the afternoons, or keep up with running the household?

Do you want to keep this item?

Do I want to keep up with the care of this item?

Do you have an appropriate place for this item to live?

Does this item have a lot of little pieces that you don't want to keep up with?

Does this item take a lot of time and energy to care for? Does it have to be stored or cleaned in a high-maintenance way?

Do you want to keep this item?

Would I buy this item again?

If this item was lost, used up, damaged beyond repair, or wasn't already in your home, would you spend money on it or ask for it as a gift?

Do you want to keep this item?

How would my life be different if I no longer had this item?

What would be different about your life if you no longer had this item? Would you be sad, happy, free, peaceful, anxious? Would you have to buy it again? Would you be able to walk through your space more comfortably if this item was not in it?

Do you want to keep this item?

Can something else in my house serve me better?

Do you have something else that serves the same purpose? Does that something else get the job done better? If not, do you need multiple items that serve the same purpose?

Do you want to keep this item?

Will these questions help you to get through the clutter that has overwhelmed you?

Are you so anxious about parts of your home that you feel paralyzed from doing anything? Do you find it difficult to focus and follow through on getting through one space? Do you think you can't do it perfectly so you don't start at all or abandon halfway through?

Do you want to bring in help?

Do you want to bring in help?

I have been walking alongside others just like you who feel overwhelmed, out of control, and ashamed about the state of their home. I'll be there with you to keep you focused and to finish what we start. Together, we will come up with the best systems for you to easily pick up and restore order in your house. You can have peace and freedom in your home again!


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