Why You Don’t Need a Professional Organizer

Let’s be honest, not everyone needs a professional organizer. I know that. So I put together this list of the type of people who don’t need a professional organizer.

How to know you don’t need the help of a professional organizer.

  1. Your stacks of things still leave a path to follow to get to your bed and bathroom.

  2. It only takes you 30 minutes to find a pair of scissors.

  3. You know you have the 1992 LIFE magazine in your living room. Somewhere.

  4. You don’t panic clean when someone wants to come over.You don’t want friends or family to come to your house for a visit.

  5. You have a system in each area of your house that you are able to maintain no matter what life throws you.

  6. There are no rooms in your house that have a “always keep that door shut” policy.

  7. Nothing falls out of the hall closet when you get something out of it.

  8. Anyone in your household can quickly find a pen and paper to jot a note. And that note will be easily seen on the counter.

  9. You do not have boxes that are still packed from your last move three years ago.

It’s not funny if I have to say it but, if these are true of you, you might want the help of a professional organizer.


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