Everything I Learned About Organizing I Learned in Kindergarten

You’re probably familiar with the title of this post. The reason is that Robert Fulghum wrote an essay that people have been making their own versions of for years. Much like his original words, the simple-enough-for-a-child phrases have much deeper meaning. Sometimes, however, we just need the simple version. Here are the things that I learned in Kindergarten that I use daily while decluttering and organizing. Which ones stand out to you? Are there any that you could use some help remembering?

  1. Either I can do it, I can learn how, or I can ask for help.

  2. Play and learning go together.

  3. There is a time for everything.

  4. There should also be a place for everything .

  5. When you finish using something put it back.

  6. I can enjoy things more when there is less stuff around me.

  7. Empty spaces are good for the brain.

  8. Having someone to help is more fun.

  9. Sometimes someone else knows a more helpful way.

  10. There are multiple ways to think about things.


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