Myths About Working with a Professional Organizer

“We don’t know what we don’t know.” It’s a phrase I heard a lot a few years ago. It induced thoughts of humility (humbleness, not humiliation) and eagerness to learn more. It reminded me that sometimes questions are better than assumptions and that there is always room to grow.

I thought I’d do a fun little article to address some myths that often come up regarding Professional Organizers.

Myth: Professional Organizers are magicians. Now you see it, now you don’t.

Fact: What you see on TV, social media, or magazines is not the whole story. A lot of hard work from both the organizer and the home owner goes into those after images.

Myth: Professional Organizers can come when I call.

Fact: While there can be ebbs and flows in the calendar of a professional organizer, it is best to plan to start work at least 1 month after you contact them. October - April are often the busiest seasons as people, just like you, are planning for the holidays and starting off a new year.

Myth: I can just sit back and relax and let the Professional Organizer do all the work.

Fact: Each PO is different but the most efficient and lasting work happens when the home owner is a part of the process every step of the way. It is your home so deciding what stays and what goes, where it makes sense to live in the home, and what family life is like are all major components that someone outside your home cannot decide for you and also have success moving forward.

Myth: I need to buy a bunch of products before I start working with a Professional Organizer.

Fact: Buying organizational products before you know what you are organizing is usually a waste of time, energy, and money. For example, if you have a lot of craft supplies piled up in a closet and you think you need to buy a bunch of products you may come home with 10 bins of various kinds. Then when you go through them you realize you only need 2 bins and you didn’t even buy the kind that would work best in the space you chose for them to live. Now you have to go back to the store to return and repurchase; or at the least, make an online return and repurchase.

Myth: Everything will be perfect when we finish.

Fact: You live in your house. There are probably other people living in your house. It will get messy again. It will take time to work with new habits and systems. Your family and its routines will change. Also, there is no such thing as perfect. I know, big bummer!

Myth: I will be able to do (insert space to work on here) in a short amount of time if I work with a PO.

Fact: It takes longer to get through a space than we like to think. Why? Because in order to bring long lasting help, you have to be thorough.

Myth: I don’t really need a Professional Organizer. I’m sure I can just do it on my own even though I haven’t been able to do it before.

Fact: It is completely worth the investment to have someone direct you, support you, help you make decisions, keep you focused, and help you to finish the project. Think about it like having a personal trainer. The accountability, the encouragement, the training, the camaraderie and more!

Myth: One size fits all when it comes to choosing a Professional Organizer.

Fact: There are specialties, aversions (even among POs), ways to work with or for people, and personalities all to consider. Again, every Professional Organizer is different so keep that in mind when choosing the right person to help you.

What myth were you most surprised by? Any that you already knew about?


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