Should I Bring this into My Home?

I walk with people through the chaos and piles of clutter in their homes into peace and freedom from the tyranny of things. However, dealing with the clutter in your home does no good if you continue to bring clutter into your home.

The solution?

Be intentional about what comes into your home!

These are just some of several questions that you can ask yourself before bringing things into your home. Or, in the case of a generous friend, things that would otherwise make their way in "on accident."

1. Do I already have something that does the same thing?

It doesn't have to be one-for-one. Ex: ice cream scoop for ice cream scoop. It could be two different items. Ex: ice cream scoop for large spoon.

2. Where will it live?

Specifically. What space in your home will this item live? If there isn't space but you are set on buying it, what will you take out of your house to make space for this item.

3. Will I look past this item to get to something I like/use more?

This is the question that really resonated with you. I use this question a lot with clothing and it also works well for crafts and really any area in the house.

Bonus tips here in case you are dealing with a load of clutter still in your home as well..

1. 20/20 rule: if you can get it again in less than 20 minutes for less than $20 you do not need to save it "just in case." All of those "just in case" items are taking up valuable space. And, honestly, you would likely go buy those things if you need it anyway because you will likely forget where it is or that you even have it. Store those items where you know exactly where they are, every time. The store.

2. Don't hold onto things that make you feel shame. This can be a gift that someone else gave you or undone projects or clothes that no longer fit. Let go of the shame that the items are hanging over you.

What questions do you ask yourself before bringing new things into your home?


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