Toss with Ease

Through the years I have been tickled by the commonality of several items that leave homes almost without thought. Want to know what they are?

In no particular order…

  1. curlers - a curling iron does the trick

  2. spiralizers - no one wants to keep up with the high maintenance care and use of it

  3. expired food (like really expired) - if you didn’t eat it before expired, you won’t be more likely to eat it now

  4. air fryers and instapots (but the crock pots always stay) - something else does the same thing but better, faster and takes up less space

5. cuticle cream - no one really uses it

6. old receipts - unless they are for your business taxes you don’t need them

7. mail, mail, mail - just throw away all the excess

8. magazines and magazine clippings - enjoy them and then let them go

9. beauty potions, mostly unused - if it didn’t work when you got it, keeping it won’t make it work later

10. holiday themed trinkets - trinkets are clutter people aren’t willing to dust around anymore

11. blender bottles - another big fad that people haven’t kept up with

12. damaged plastic food storage - it’s trash

13. fridge magnets - more and more clutter

14. kids’ meal toys - once they’ve gotten their 15 minutes of play, they’re done

15. free notepads and return address labels - you can only use so many of these

16. owner’s manuals - 99% of these can be found online and that’s how they are accessed mostly these days

Of course there may be items on this list that you love and use and in that case don’t want to get rid of. There are some things on this list that I have and use at my house too. But for so many people, they are over many of these items and sending them out of their house has brought more peace and freedom in their house.

So if you find these around the house and let them go, you are in good company as others are letting go of these same items and more with ease.


Creating a Drop Spot


From Here to There: Moving Tips