Creating a Drop Spot

What do you do with your things when you come home?

Whether you carry a small wallet and keys, your phone and some lip balm or have a diaper bag, purse, mug, water bottle, and gym bag weighing you down we all need a place to put our things that are going in and out of the house. Here are a few simple tips to help you stop the cycle of losing some… (needs more work)

#1 tip
Have a home for everything.

Do an inventory of what comes and goes with you. Keys, phone, purse, water bottle, work bag, library bag, etc. Put it all in one place. This place will probably be near the door you come in and out of. You may try a bin, some hooks, or maybe just a space.

The fellas might try a valet tray. That tray may either be inside the door or in their room. Wherever they drop their keys and wallet

#2 tip
Always put them in the same place.

When everything has a home, always put them in the same home. This way you will always know where they are and so will others in the home in case they need something or you want someone to grab one of those things for you. Left something in the car but your busy and one of the kids can get it? Just send them to grab your keys where they always are to get that item for you. Easy!

An extra tip here is to be sure to give a home to things when they are new. This will come when life changes. You start going to a gym - your gym bag needs a home. You have a child - the diaper bag needs a home. You start a child in school or daycare - that backpack and lunch box needs a home.


Short-Term Easy


Toss with Ease