What Does This Cord Go To?

How many times have you asked that question? Or maybe you don’t ask anymore. Maybe you come across so many random cords in your house that you just dismiss them outright. Until you need to use a cord. Then you search and search only to end up online looking to purchase another cord that is just what you need even though you know you have one at the house somewhere.

Here are some easy tips to help keep you from the frustration of all the cords.

  1. Start a cord bin. Anytime you find a cord that you aren’t sure what it is, put it a bin with other cords. If you ever need a cord, you know where to look.

  2. Sort the cord bin. Take time to pull out each cord in the cord bin.

    1. Is it frayed? Toss it.

    2. Do you have all that you need? Toss it or donate it. (But really, these are a dime a dozen so they might just throw it away at the donation center.)

    3. Do you know what it is? Label it. You can get as fancy as buying cord labels (there are a vast variety) or using a label maker or as simple as using tape and a pen. Shorter cables can have just one label at one end. Longer cables that are plugged in at a power strip among a lot of other cables may benefit from a label at each side for easier identification when unplugging and replugging.

    4. Don’t know what it is or what it goes to? Check this helpful article or do your own search for cables and their names. If you still need the cord, label it now that you know what it is.

    5. Store cords either in one place or with the item it goes with. Dealers choice here. What works best in your household?


From Here to There: Moving Tips


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