Where is my phone charger?

Do you feel like you are always losing your cords and chargers? You walk into the kitchen to make a meal. The recipe is on your phone but your phone is about to die. You just knew there was a charger in there but for some reason you can’t find it there. There could be many culprits to this missing charger. Maybe someone else in the house took it for their own use because they couldn’t find theirs. Maybe you misplaced it yourself. Whatever the reason, here are a few tips to help you keep up with your cords and chargers.

  1. Have one for each device. Truly, if you only have one you will keep up with it more easily. Try me.

  2. If tip #1 seems too far fetched, then maybe you need to have one cord for each location. Travel a lot? Keep a cord in your travel bag. Charge your device by your bed and on the kitchen counter? Keep one in each of those locations but DO NOT move it from those locations. Label them if necessary.

  3. Make sure everyone in your house does the same with their cords. You can label cords for individuals or use a fun cord biter to identify whose is whose.

Here’s to having a cord and charger when and where you need it!


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