Short-Term Easy

I came across a sentence in a book that leapt off the page at me. It took me a minute to make sure I understood what it said. Then I thought, "this is what I help people do for a living."

Vaden calls this the Pain Paradox of decision making. "... the short-term easy leads to the long-term difficult, while the short-term difficult leads to the long-term easy. The great paradox is that what we thought was the easy way, what looks like the easy way, what seems like the easy way very often leads us to creating a life that couldn't be more opposite of easy. And inversely the things that we thought were most difficult, the challenges that appear to be the toughest, and the requirements that seem most rigorous are the very activities that leas us to the life of easy that we all want."

The "short-term easy" of "I'll just shove these things in this closet, in this room, in this drawer, when company comes" and the "long-term difficult" that comes next is a house in disarray with clutter-stuffed spaces and who-knows-what at the bottom of the piles.

The "short-term easy" of just buying another role of tape to wrap that birthday present because you can't find the tape you know you have (somewhere) that leads to the "long-term difficult" of more stuff without a place to live and overtime, less and less money in your bank account as you spend more and more on things you already own.

The "short-term easy" of not keeping up with the routines of laundry and dishes usher in the "long-term difficult" of continuously feeling behind and overwhelmed.

Let's get you working through the "short-term difficult" of going through your belongings (decluttering) and giving your belongings a specific home (organizing) so that you can enjoy the "long-term easy" of maintaining a tidy household.

While decluttering and organizing your home may be a "short-term difficult" it may seem too difficult to do alone. Don't worry! You are not alone! Not at all. Send me a message and we'll figure out a great way to get you to your "long-term easy" in no time!


Why You Don’t Need a Professional Organizer


Creating a Drop Spot