Peace and Freedom
Shannon Simoneau Shannon Simoneau

Peace and Freedom

“Little Red Stool Organizing exists to help people find peace and freedom in their homes through decluttering and organizing.”

I thought I would unpack this a little for you.

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Do the Hard Thing

Do the Hard Thing

Years ago I created the image below. Little did I know that I would be continually learning this. I’m not a huge fan of doing things that are hard for me. (Helping you declutter and organize is easy for me so never you fear!) I keep choosing to do the hard things first and I keep growing to be able to do more and more things.

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Why Do You Buy?
Shannon Simoneau Shannon Simoneau

Why Do You Buy?

Do you know what I did the other day? I bought a pack of 2 permanent markers. Do you know why I bought that pack of 2 permanent markers? Because I needed them. We have a problem in our culture. We buy things for almost every reason except for that we actually need them.

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Is the Perfect Gift Even Out There?
Shannon Simoneau Shannon Simoneau

Is the Perfect Gift Even Out There?

I was listening to a radio show recently in which I heard a husband confess his horrible gift-giving abilities. The others on the show asked if he took notes on his phone when his wife mentioned something she liked or if he asked her good girl friends. “Yes,” he replied “but somehow I just can’t seem to get it right.” Then he told a story of buying her jewelry from her favorite jeweler.

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What About the Sentimental Stuff?

What About the Sentimental Stuff?

Every February and August I run a fun game over on Facebook. Toward the beginning of the game I ask everyone what they think their biggest obstacle will be. Every round at least one person mentions "sentimental stuff." #LRSOMG is not the time to deal with sentimental stuff but I would like to address it for those of you who are ready to deal with sentimental belongings.

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Parents and Their Grown Children

Parents and Their Grown Children

Two of the most common phrases I hear when I tell people what I do for a living are, 1. "You should see my house," and, 2. "My parents need you." We have put ourselves into storage units with all the stuff we collect and keep in our homes. And sometimes it's not even our own stuff! Whether you are the parent or the adult child, there is something for you in this article.

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A Kitchen Issue: A Personal Story
Goals, Kitchen, Tips Shannon Simoneau Goals, Kitchen, Tips Shannon Simoneau

A Kitchen Issue: A Personal Story

I have had an issue in my kitchen that I've wanted a solution to for quite some time. I thought there would be a product that would be a quick fix but just couldn't find what would meet my needs. Sometimes the easiest solution is also the most simple solution. For example, instead of a complex strawberry huller, a knife will do. It turns out the same principle was true for my kitchen issue.

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Less is More
Shannon Simoneau Shannon Simoneau

Less is More





less to dirty, less to clean

more TIME.

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Not Perfect
Peace, Tips Shannon Simoneau Peace, Tips Shannon Simoneau

Not Perfect

Twice in the past week I've come across the sentiment of perfectionism holding people back from doing anything at all at times. This can work its way out in many ways. You like to do crafts but you just can't get it right so you don't do it at all. You like to bake but the last batch of cookies you made were a flop so you aren't going to try again. You like to write but the words just aren't coming out on paper the way you want them to so you give up.

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#LRSOMG Shannon Simoneau #LRSOMG Shannon Simoneau

#LRSOMG2020 August

2020 has had more challenges than the normal year, amiright? Let's gather ourselves and get through another fun round of #LRSOMG2020. We could all use the encouragement and less stuff as well!

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The Problem with Paper
Dining Room, Garage, Goals, Home Office, Kitchen, Peace, Tips Shannon Simoneau Dining Room, Garage, Goals, Home Office, Kitchen, Peace, Tips Shannon Simoneau

The Problem with Paper

The problem with paper isn't just that there is so much of it. The problem with paper isn't just that it's coming into our homes from every direction. The problem with paper isn't just that there is so much unsolicited paper. The problem with paper is all of these things on top of which we put...

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