Product Spotlight: Plate Shelves
If you have already decluttered, then read on because today we are going to look at a product that will give you a little extra space - plate shelves.

Planning With Purpose and Priority
Many of you wish I was an interior decorator. Me too! However, that is not my specialty. Today’s guest author is Sarah Pence with Pence Creative Interiors . She is a wonder as a person and happens to also be a beautiful interior decorator. Snuggle in for this one and takes some notes. Sarah is about to help you hone in on some of the same things we start with for decluttering and organizing as well.

Do I Want to Keep Up with the Care of This Item?
Legos, food processors, bread machines, tiny broken crayons...
Yes, these are things that you probably saw more of in 2020. And, yes, these are things that you just might not want to keep up with the care of any more.

Stop! Don't Buy That Organizing Product!
You may have noticed that I don't focus on products around here. In fact, when I see friends and family asking about organizing products I typically just scroll right past.
Let's start with the best advice anyone can hear about organizing products: Products only help after you have decluttered. Otherwise you are organizing junk.

Getting Ready for Tax Time
Guest author, Amy Horne, CPA
Tax Time. Those two little words can strike fear into so many of us. The task of gathering your information seems so daunting. If you are like me, sometimes you spend more time worrying about the task than the time it would take to actually do it, and once you’ve completed the task you realize what a waste of energy and time it was to stress over it. My goal is to help you with some suggestions of how to organize your tax information so that when the next filing season rolls around you will not be anxious about getting started.

Does This Item Serve My Household?
You can ask this question while going through the items in your home AND before bringing new items into your home. It's a great question!

Short-Term Easy
I came across a sentence in a book that leapt off the page at me. It took me a minute to make sure I understood what it said. Then I thought, "this is what I help people do for a living." Vaden calls this the Pain Paradox of decision making. "... the short-term easy leads

The Weekly Rundown
How to organize your calendar and to-do list so you’re ready to take on the week
Guest blogger, Meaghan Langston, Business Clarity Coach
Every Sunday I take a look at the week ahead and plan out my priorities. If you’re like me, this probably sounds like it’s easier said than done. Why? Because once we begin to look at all we have to do in a week we can feel overwhelmed and even paralyzed. Maybe you’ve felt this halfway through a closet clean-out in your home and just wanted to give up.

#LRSOMG2021 February
February 2021 is here and in Little Red Stool Organizing world that means it's time to play The Minimalism Game! Starting February 1 we are back for our fourth year and sixth round of The Minimalism Game hosted …

Beautiful or Useful?
Sometimes going through your belongings is easy. That wrapper from the sucker your kid just popped in his mouth? Trash. That ripped pair of jeans? Trash. That outgrown toy? Donate. That book you won't read again? Donate. Then there are things that are just a little more difficult to decide on. That teapot that your …

Top Ten of 2020
Little Red Stool Organizing has been official for 4 years now and it has been a delight to be in so many homes! Choosing only 10 after photos of all the hard work that went in to decluttering and organizing during a pandemic is going to be next to impossible. If I don't limit myself, though, you'll be here reading for days as I had the absolute honor of working in 33 households in 2020. I'm going to stick with sharing my favorites in chronological order to keep from really showing favorites. I love each and every client that I worked with this year and each of them deserves a reward for the work they did!
How to Not Get Anything Done
Have you ever started your day with such enthusiasm and focus and drive only to end it with nothing done? It happens to the best of us. And if you have any form of ADD you may find yourself here more days than not. Here's a fun video for you to see what it looks …

Permission: 5 Things You Can Let Go Of, Coat Closet
Have you ever thought, “I just need someone to give me permission to get rid of this”? That’s what this Permission series is all about. We’ll walk through room by room, list 5 items per room you can part with right away, and why the items can be easy to get out of your house.

December Friday Favorites
I will be sharing some of my favorite items with you. These are products that I love and use and are worth the valuable real estate they take up in my home. The products will vary from organizational tools to things I just like that are functional.

Permission: 5 Things You Can Let Go Of, Linen Closet
Today we’ll be in the linen closet. You may not have an entire dedicated to just linens but we will soon see that there are other things that can be tossed from what may only be by name the linen closet. In my experience linens are in dozens of different ways and places. And those linen closets hold much more than just linens. So let’s jump in and see what we can let go of today.

Permission: 5 Things You Can Let Go Of, Playroom
Today we’ll be in the playroom talking about children’s items. This can either be the easiest or most difficult space for people to work in. It can be easy as many of these items are outgrown either physically or mentally. It can be the hardest if you tend to be sentimental. If you find yourself being super sentimental, just set those items aside as sentimental and look back through those items in another year or so. Taking items out of the playroom will allow your children to grow and learn without the hinderance of layers and layers of stuff they will never use.

Permission: 5 Things You Can Let Go Of, Living Room
Today we’ll be in the living room. You may call it the den or the family room. Chances are this is the space you spend the most of your down time outside of your actual sleeping in your bedroom. Taking some time to inventory this room and let a few things go will help you to enjoy the space more than just picking it up.

Permission: 5 Things You Can Let Go Of, Bedroom
Today we’ll be in the bedroom. Dressers, side tables, and beds all lend themselves to a few easy things to let go of to make your bedroom more peaceful for you. Whether it’s just you, you and your spouse, or your child’s room here are a few things you can easily take out.

November Friday Favorites
I will be sharing some of my favorite items with you. These are products that I love and use and are worth the valuable real estate they take up in my home. The products will vary from organizational tools to things I just like that are functional.

Permission: 5 Things You Can Let Go Of, Bathroom
Today we’ll be in the bathroom. It turns out we spend, on average, 30 minutes a day in the bathroom. Anyone else think it would be higher? I guess it all just depends on what you’re doing in the bathroom. No matter how much time you spend, there are a few things you can let go of across the board fairly easily that may just shave a few minutes off of your time especially in the morning when you are getting ready.